Move Closer to Me by Milton Ehrlich

I see your numinous body

alone as a snow-capped mountain

far off in an endless horizon.

Swim through the air

where silence reigns

like a fish under water.

You don’t need a voice

or have to have to hide

to win a place in the

cacophony of the future.

Move closer to me, and

I will keep embracing you

long after I am gone.
Photo by Julia Volk on

About the Poet:

Milton P. Ehrlich, Ph.D. is an 89-year-old psychologist and a veteran
of the Korean War who has published numerous poems in periodicals such
as “Descant,” “Ottawa Arts Review,” “Wisconsin Review,” “Allegro
Poetry Magazine,” “Toronto Quarterly Review,” “Christian Science
Monitor,” “Huffington Post,” and the “New York Times.”

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