Rewind the Film, Again by Wayne Russell

Shuffled on from place to place

most my life, while the blessed

zoom past in shiny new cars and

their glistening attire.

I don't have much, no Ivy league

for me, no mansion in the gated

communities, surrounded by that

elite status, that fine social polish.

Haven't taken a bath all week, lucky

too own this rucksack here beside

me while I sleep upon this battered

park bench, graffitied by gangster

try hard wannabes.

Sometimes I murmur with my cheap

beer chapped lips, underneath starry

nights that would make even Van Gogh

blush, lost in drunken stooper, murmur

to my maker-

Please God take it all away, rewind
the film, again.

*Poem inspired by the song Rewind the Film from the song of the same name by The Manic Street Preachers*

Photo by Kyle Loftus on

About the Poet:

Wayne Russell is a creative jack of all trades, master of none. Poet, rhythm guitar
player, singer, artist, photographer, and author of the poetry books “Where Angels Fear”
via Guerilla Genius Press, and the newly released “Splinter of the Moon” via Silver Bow
Publishing, they are both available for purchase on Amazon.

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